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  • Nordisk (Nordic) was launched in 2007 and was a rapid hit with nationalists in Sweden. The forum has nearly 22,000 members, one of them the mass killer Anders Breivik. Members span from high-ranking members of the Sweden Democrats, a nationalist party with seats in the Swedish parliament to leading members of the nazi movement and to unhinged psychopaths. What unites the whole lot is a hatred of immigration and immigrants.
  • Subjects are generally discussed in a racist manner and have included discussions about the book The Turner Diaries, a novel that has served as a terrorist manual, was labelled the "terrorist bible" by the FBI and served as a direct inspiration for the Oklahoma bombing of 1995 in which 168 people were slaughtered.
  • Nordisk is described as a portal "themed with Nordic identity, culture and tradition". The forum was established by the Nordiska Förbundet (Nordic League) organisation, founded in 2004 by members of the right-wing extremist National Democrats and the hardcore nazi Swedish Resistance Movement.

Breivik had already made his own virulently anti-Islamic opinions public on the internet. According to the Norwegian newspaper Verdens Gang, Breivik made at least 75 racist as well as Islamophobic postings on Facebook.

He was also a paid-up member of the anti-immigrant populist Progress Party (Fremmskrittspartiet) from 1999 to 2004 according to the Norwegian daily Aftenposten, holding membership of its youth section from 1997 to 2007 and chairing a local branch from 2002 to 2004.

Breivik's political involvement on the internet as a keyboard warrior has been considerably more radical. In 2009, he registered as a member of Nordisk (Nordic), which has more than 22,000, mainly Scandinavian, members. Discussions on the forum range from White Noise music to political strategies for obliterating democracy.

Some of its members openly incite violence. In March 2010, for example, an anonymous user wrote:
"Cars parked next to large buildings with fertilizer + diesel give a nice blast. Skyscrapers go down like the World Trade Centre towers. I haven't said anything about killing. You'll hope the buildings are empty, and if not so, too bad...I don't understand why people don't realise that we have to wage war. The top politicians in government, who live in nice areas a long away from the immigrant threat, have decided that wogs can come here and live on our soil. In our society. Take advantage of what our forefathers have built up for us. In my world, nothing you do to these monsters is immoral."